Why Do We Give Gifts On Christmas & How To Pick The Best Gifts

    You may ask, “Why do we give gifts on Christmas?” as you grease the last fold of your wrapping paper or tick the last box in your Christmas shopping list. It might seem like such a simple question, but not many may know the answer - the real, original one - too. 

    We may have all just enjoyed the art of giving without ever pondering such things. Is it just for pure joy, or is there a deeply held historical significance? Whatever the reason, we’re sure Christmas gift-giving (and receiving) is one of the most joyous activities you can plan and do.

    If you’re interested, here are the major reasons why we give our loved ones presents at Christmas. Also, tune in for the Christmas gift rules to choose the best gift for your friends and family amongst all the wonderful Christmas gift ideas.

    Why Do We Give Gifts On Christmas - CabinZero

    Christmas gift-giving is a cherished and widespread tradition.

    A Religious and Spiritual History of Christmas Gift-Giving

    The reasons why do we give gifts on Christmas date back to as early as the 4th century and were passed through various cultures, religions, and eras. 

    Over time, it evolved into what we know as the modern time practice of gift-giving that revolves around shopping, wish lists, and family gatherings as the clock ticks down to the 25th of December.

    1. The Three Wise Men’s Biblical Gifts

    To pinpoint why do we give gifts on Christmas, it's best to start with its most popular connection from the Bible.

    In Matthew 2:1-12, the 3 wise men (or Magi) Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar travelled to honour the newborn Jesus. They brought gold for kingship, frankincense for divinity, and myrrh for mortality.

    This story has served as an inspiration for modern gift exchange as an expression of gratitude and celebration for not just Jesus but important people in your life as well for many centuries.

    2. Saint Nicholas’ Legacy

    Some might not be familiar with the name Saint Nicholas, but if we say Santa Claus, does it ring a bell? Of course, we cannot talk about why do we give gifts on Christmas without him - the bearded big man in red with a velvet sack on his back.

    His origins trace back to the 4th Century Saint Nicholas, a bishop of Myra (now Turkey), known for his secret gifts to those in need. 

    By the time the 17th and 19th Centuries rolled by, under the influence of commercialised Christmas, the tradition and portrait of Santa Claus became what we know today. 

    Regardless of transformations, the core of the tradition was still about charity and helping the less fortunate around us. People today still take it as a chance to spread kindness. 

    CabinZero fun fact: The name Santa Clauce originated from Sinterklaas, St. Nicholas’ name in Dutch.

    Why Do We Give Gifts On Christmas - CabinZero

    Can you see the resemblance of one of the most recognisable Christmas icons, Santa Claus? Photo by breedfoto -

    3. Pagan Influence Through Saturnalia

    Let’s take it further back to discover why do we give gifts on Christmas. For some cultures, gift-giving was the norm way before Christmas celebrations appeared.

    Before Christianity spread across Europe, the Romans celebrated Saturnalia, a pagan festival celebrating the King of Saturnalia, from 17th to 23rd December. During this public holiday, the Romans would feast, party, decorate their houses, and exchange gifts. 

    As cultures, religions, and beliefs began to transform with time, many customs of Saturnalia were adopted into Christianity and thus turned into our modern practices of Christmas celebration.

    Modern Shifts In Christm