We want you to be happy with your CabinZero. Not just with the function but also the styling and colour.
To help you, as you have already seen, unlike most bag brands we use models for our main product shots. Why? It's the best way for you to imagine how your bag might look on your own shoulders or in your own hands. We consider CabinZero bags to be fashion accessories for Travellers so you have to look good with your bag! In addition, we encourage customers to share photos with their CabinZero onto our Instagram or Facebook. This helps you to see how your desired CabinZero will look in real life.
So who are your models? Good question. We specifically choose real life people, who are CabinZero lovers, but not models in real life. We think they all look gorgeous and enhance the look of our range. We also specifically, choose models from around the world (not just from within the UK). Again we do this as we like to use models which are representative of our customer base.
Wanna know more about our models? Great! Well we have interviews with them on our Blog. Check it out. Also, we include some profile information of the current models below.
I wanna be a model for you. Is this possible? Wow? If you got the look then this is possible. Drop us a line (support@cabinzero.com) and ideally also post some pics of yourself with your CabinZero on our Facebook or Instagram. We'll then get in touch.