Planning A Cheap Vacation For Couples | The Complete Guide

Knowing how to organise a trip on a budget is the first step towards crafting a cheap vacation for couples. Romantic getaways are great for couples as sharing exciting and new experiences together can add fire to the relationship. Most couples enjoy taking a trip together. However, budget constraints are among the biggest obstacles. 

Factors such as travel style, trip duration, and travel destination can affect how costly a vacation is. For example, with international trips, flights to a popular destination during peak season are often the most costly part of a trip. Thankfully, there are ways to make a vacation more affordable. From travelling to a less popular destination to getting creative with fun yet free activities, here are some ideas for cheap vacations. 

Domestic Cheap Vacation For Couples

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Travelling lets couples share new memories together outside of the day-to-day routine. IG: @eduardo_justino.

Unexplored destinations promise hidden gems and surprises that you, as a local, might not know about. Discovering new places and trying out fresh experiences in your city or nearby areas within your country is possible. You can save money on long-distance flights and skip the currency exchange altogether. Let's explore domestic travel ideas below.

Book A Romantic Weekend Getaway

If you don't have much time, consider a weekend getaway to a nearby city or town. There are often deals on hotels and activities during the week. Spend your time exploring the city's museums, restaurants, and nightlife. Pack a picnic basket with your favourite food and drinks, and find a nice spot to relax and enjoy the scenery. Or you both can do some people-watching at a local cafe.

Explore Your Country With A Road Trip

People love taking road trips for obvious reasons. The open road offers unmatched freedom and flexibility. You can decide where and when to go. Road trips can be planned on almost any budget. Renting a car or not, transportation costs on road trips are almost always cheaper than long-distance flights. 

Reconnect With The Beautiful Nature

Spending time in nature has a powerful effect on our physical and mental well-being. Fresh air and beautiful nature reduce stress levels, improve mood and strengthen the immune system. If you and your loved one have to constantly connect online for work, this will be your chance to take a much-needed break from technology. National Parks are a great option for budget-minded couples who love the outdoors.

Discover Hidden Gems In Your City With A Staycation

Have your romantic vacation closer to home to avoid expensive transportation costs and time-consuming commuting. A staycation is budget-friendly, convenient, and perfect for short breaks. This means you might get to it often and incorporate plans for a staycation into your everyday life. 

Visit Cultural and Historical Sites

What is a better way to connect with the past and learn to appreciate cultural diversity? You and your partner will be exposed to an enriching learning opportunity that is incredibly inspiring. You can admire the beauty of different types of architecture, learn different ways of life and find a deeper sense of belonging to your own culture. Many cities have museums with free admission days or hours. There are also often free walking tours available.

Go To A Beach Destination Near You

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Spending time in sapphire waters is always among the top favourite experiences for the romantics.

Beach days are filled with endless fun in the sun. In the daytime, you and your partner can spend time on the sun-kissed shores and enjoy fun underwater activities like swimming, snorkelling, kayaking or freediving. There are public beaches with free access to look for, or you can find an attractive deal online from beach-front resorts. 

International Cheap Vacation For Couples

The world is a vast place filled with diverse ways of life and wonderful countries to visit. If you have the time and the budget, travelling beyond your home country is a valuable opportunity to broaden your horizons. Most travellers find travelling to a new country and being exposed to new ideas an inspiring and transformative experience. Here are a few pocket-friendly destinations worldwide for you and your partner to explore.

Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is on the wish list of most globetrotters. Its stunning natural landscapes, delicious cuisines in every corner, uniquely rich cultures, and extremely affordable travel costs are more than enough to make this region popular. Of course, some countries in Asia are more affordable than others. Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia are the top picks for couples looking for a cheap vacation.

Southeast Asia offers many year-round destinations; therefore, picking your flights here during the off-season is a great way to save on flight tickets. When it comes to food, opting for street food in Vietnam or Thailand is not only delicious but also super cheap. You can try hearty Vietnamese Pho or flavourful Thai Curry for as little as $2 per person. If you are a food-loving couple, you will love Southeast Asia.

Eastern Europe

Europe is a continent brimming with natural beauty, rich history and diverse cultures. Travellers from around the world are often struck by the grandeur of an European adventure. However, it is worth noting that countries in Western Europe such as Switzerland, Austria and France as well as Northern Europe such as Iceland, Norway and Denmark are not generally budget-friendly destinations. How about Eastern Europe?

Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia are great countries to begin your European journey as a couple. Each country boasts a wide range of stunning natural scenery, charming towns and villages, and cultural and historical sites to explore. You can use the readily available public transportation, select affordable accommodation types, opt for sights and experience with low entrance fees.

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Europe is filled with romantic destinations, but some can be easier on the wallet than others. Photo credit: @hakunamatravelers

Central America

Central America, the land of thriving forests and sapphire seas, has an incredibly rich biodiversity. If you and your partner share an appreciation for wildlife, then going on a trip to tropical rainforests or taking a swim with colourful tropical fish are fantastic ideas. Embracing the outdoors is a fun and low-cost activity. 

Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras are compelling countries to visit with a myriad of activities to try for budget-conscious travellers. Adventures await travellers everywhere in Central America, and you just have to know where to look. Savour the dynamic flavours of Mexican cuisine, explore the world-famous volcanoes of Guatemala, unwind at palm-fringed Corn Islands of Nicaragua and dive into the paradise of Bay Islands in Honduras.

Northern Africa

A vacation to Northern Africa is a captivating journey through time. You can share unforgettable moments in front of the ancient wonders of the world such as the iconic pyramids of Egypt and the UNESCO-listed World Heritage colosseum of Tunisia. Most historical sites and monuments offer low costs to visit. Visiting lively markets and bustling medinas is a popular and free activity for couples.

Morocco, Egypt and Tunisia are wonderful places to start your journey to Africa and beyond. When in Africa, be sure to venture out of the common tourist trails to find the most authentic travel experiences. Be ready to embark on a culinary adventure with traditional dishes in local eateries that are perfectly blended between Mediterranean, African and Middle East influences. 

Tips To Plan A Cheap Vacation For Couples

Travelling opens new doors to a world of discovery and adventure, which is best shared with your loved one. Most of us have a limited budget, therefore, to plan successful cheap vacations for couples means exploring more places and stretching travel budget just a little bit further. Here are our favourite budgeting tips for a fun yet affordable romantic getaway.

Breakdown Your Budget

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Outdoor activities are not only low cost, but sometimes free, and extremely fun for couples. Photo credit: Patrik Petr

You can start by determining the estimated spend that you are willing to spend for the entire vacation. From there, you can take into consideration factors like trip length and narrowing down your list of possible destinations.

Numbeo is a useful tool to compare the cost of living index by country to estimate how much are you expected to spend during your trip. Break down your total budget by category for different expenses including transportation, accommodation, food and activities. Other expenses to think about are visa fees, travel insurance, currency exchange fees and unexpected costs. 

  • Transportation: Research flight deals and choose budget airlines in US and the Europe.
  • Accommodation: Look for budget-friendly options like hostels (private rooms for couples!), vacation rentals with kitchens (save on eating out), or camping (if it suits your style).
  • Food: Allocate a portion for restaurants (research affordable local options!), but plan to cook some meals at your accommodation if possible. Factor in groceries and snacks.
  • Activities: Hiking, exploring nature, visiting free museums (many have free days/hours), and picnicking in parks are budget-friendly options. Prioritise a few paid activities that are most important to you.
  • Other Expenses: Set a small limit for souvenirs and consider travel insurance (optional but recommended). Allocate a buffer for unexpected costs.
  • Skip the Souvenirs: Focus on making memories, not accumulating clutter. Agree on a small budget for souvenirs, or skip them altogether.

Choose Off-season To Travel

In tourism, the prices for flights and accommodation fluctuate greatly due to the effects of seasonality. During peak season, many popular destinations struggle with overcrowding, which increases prices dramatically for travellers. This is a classic example of the relationship between supply and demand.

When travelling during the low season, you can take advantage of the various discounts from airlines, hotels and bundled activities. This is a way businesses often try to fill up empty seats on airlines and available rooms in hotels. You can use handy tools to find great deals on accommodations and make the most out of search engines to find cheap flights. 

Know Your Priorities And Be Flexible

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It takes two to plan a successful trip together.

To have a fulfilling travel experience, you and your partner should discuss how to be on the same page about travel priorities. An ideal itinerary for a trip focusing on adventure differs greatly from a vacation focusing on relaxation and leisure. Be open-minded and discuss which types of activities you both would find enjoyable.

Once you know which activities to look for, you can select suitable destinations and travel experiences that fit your budget. It is important to be flexible with your travel plans to save more. Explore a wide range of accommodation in every budget, consider travel dates based on the lowest flight fares and take a self-guided tour to free or low-cost attractions. 

Travel Slow And Embrace Every Moment

A quality romantic getaway is measured by moments and emotions, not how many destinations that you can cover. Slow travel can save you both money and time. There is less need to frequently travel between destinations, thus, saving both transportation fees and commuting time. 

Staying longer with a hotel or a guesthouse sometimes gives you a discounted deal. You can research online or talk directly with the accommodation provider for a better price on an extended stay. Spending more time in a destination allows couples to truly immerse and connect without a rushed itinerary. 

Planning A Cheap Vacation For Couples | The Complete Guide

Whether you are planning for an anniversary vacation, a honeymoon or a long awaited romantic getaway, these ideas for cheap vacation for couples offer a wonderful place to start. Vacations can be costly, but shared memories are priceless. A budget vacation still promises fabulous experiences and tons of romance. Be sure to look for hidden gems, plan activities based on shared interests and be flexible with your travel plans. Find this guide inspiring? Share it with your loved one and start igniting romance through the love of travel.

Chau Dao

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